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The Wititi dance, Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity, was present at the most important Latin event in the  Washington D.C. area

Washington DC, September 17, 2017 - After more than 23 years, the Wititi dance showed off its dance at the most important event in the Washington DC metropolitan area, now called Fiesta DC.


With the participation of about 100 dancers in addition to the participation of the band of musicians "Super Sensación del Colca". Brothers from the Province of Caylloma, Region of Arequipa, as part of the Peruvian delegation, were present for this important event.


The Cabanaconde City Colca - USA institution with its President Juan Carlos Miranda through the Secretary of Culture in charge of Mr.  David Sánchez Pérez and the Undersecretary and responsible  of the dance Marilda Torres, in addition to the other directors of said institution with the unconditional support of the partners and sympathizers, made possible this participation of our dance, symbol of the Province. "The Wititi has its reason for being in the cultural field of the Colca Valley, where it has allowed the formation of a  reciprocity between the various peoples and has allowed forging an identity through time, even though being far from their homeland" said the Secretary of Culture.  


The Wititi dance, an ancestral dance, dating from pre-Hispanic times where the man in an eagerness to woo the woman, dressed pretending to be a woman to approach her to make her fall in love, this dance being very romantic and enamored . This dance has been maintained from generation to generation for more than five centuries and is a living culture of the Cabanas and Collaguas with its own variants from the districts that make up the Province of Caylloma.


Definitely the participation of the Cayllomina community in this event  It is of transcendental importance, since it allows to strengthen and position this dance even more in the place it deserves as Cultural Heritage of Humanity granted by UNESCO in December 2015.


This participation in Fiesta DC is the preamble to the II Gran Wititi Fest that CCC-USA is organizing for this October 28, where surprises and great support are expected from the community of the DC metropolitan area, where the objective of this event is to rescue and spread this dance that characterizes all of Cayllomino.






Address | Secretary of  Culture |  Secretary of Press and Propaganda




Cabanaconde City Colca - USA, is a non-profit organization with  nearly 35 years serving the community of Cabanaconde in the United States, where its primary objective is to unite all residents of the town of Cabanaconde, which is in this country, including the other countrymen of the Province, through culture and sports among other activities of common interest.




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